Electrical engineering
Short description
In the Bachelor's program "Electrical Engineering" (B.Eng.), three objectives are pursued, which are oriented towards the phases of basic studies, main studies and professional practice: After the basic studies (1st + 2nd semester), students have a solid, broad-based fundamental knowledge in the fields of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering and computer science. This foundation provides the basis for the main studies. Students understand how technical systems are described mathematically and physically, why modeling is an important tool in engineering practice, and how algorithms are implemented in software. In the main study period, students choose one of the specializations, which are adapted to the current state of development. Currently, two specializations are offered: 1. energy technology 2. information technology
Facts about the course
Area of study
Standard period of course
Costs per Semester
Admission requirements
Occupational profiles
Design and development of equipment for industrial use and private consumers, Integration of different system components and verification of systems/system components, Quality assurance in the test field, Technical sales and application consulting, Coordinating activities and project management in middle management with customers and suppliers, Complex management tasks with interdisciplinary skills