Brandon Arthur Lobo
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Personal data
Short description
Brandon Lobo hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Maschinenbau von der VTU, Indien, gefolgt von einem Master-Abschluss in Wind Engineering von der HS Flensburg. Danach promovierte er an der FH Kiel in Zusammenarbeit mit der HSU Hamburg zum Thema Grenzschichtübergang.
M.Sc. Wind Engineering, 2018
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, 2015
Wissenschlaftlicher Mitarbeiter (2022 - heute)
Research data
Research level
PhD candidate
Area of research
Energy engineering
Research topic
Windenergie, Grenzschichtübergang, CFD, LES
Research institute
Fachhochschule Kiel
Location of the research institute
Publications and projects
Selected publications
B. A. Lobo, A. P. Schaffarczyk, and M. Breuer (2022). Investigation into boundary layer transition using wall-resolved large-eddy simulations and modeled inflow turbulence. Wind Energy Science, vol. 7, 967--990,
(Link to publication)
B. A. Lobo, Ö. S. Özçakmak, H. A. Madsen, A. P. Schaffarczyk, M. Breuer and N. N. Sørensen (2023). On the laminar–turbulent transition mechanism on megawatt wind turbine blades operating in atmospheric flow. Wind Energy Science, vol. 8, 303--326,
(Link to publication)
T. C. L. Fava, B. A. Lobo, A. P. Schaffarczyk, M. Breuer, A. Hanifi, D. S. Henningson, 2022. On the stability and transition to turbulence of the flow over a wind-turbine airfoil under varying free-stream turbulence intensity, 12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, July 19--22, 2022, Osaka, Japan.
(Link to publication)