Lasse Kattwinkel


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Personal data

Short description

After specialising on electrochemical interfaces during my master's in physics, I focussed on the research of surface diffusion of adsorbates at these interfaces during PhD. Though surface diffusion is a very basic process at electrodes, which is crucial for many electrode reaction in todays energy storage and conversion systems, it is not sufficiently understood yet. During PhD, I developed a novel, optical method to measure surface diffusion and thus contribute to a broader understanding in this area. After PhD, my focus shifted towards education, connecting university with schools and bringing science to school students already in early age.

Bachelor of Science in Physik, CAU Kiel, 2013
Master of Science in Physik, CAU Kiel, 2017
Dr. rer. nat., Physik, CAU Kiel, 2023

Research data

Research level
Area of research
Energy engineering
Research topic

surface diffusion, electrochemical interfaces, platinum single crystal electrodes, hydrogen technology, science at schools

Research institute
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Location of the research institute
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Publications and projects

Selected publications
Measurement of Surface Diffusion at the Electrochemical Interface by In Situ Linear Optical Diffraction (Link to publication)
Optical reflectance studies on the oxidation of chemisorbed sulfur at the Pt(111) electrode (Link to publication)
Influence of coverage on adsorbate diffusion measurements at electrode surfaces by in situ linear optical diffraction (Link to publication)
Selected sponsored projects
Authentische Wasserstoffforschung für Schülerinnen und Schüler im außerschulischen Bereich (Link to project)
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